Yesterday I was doing some writing for the routine for the vanishing bird cage. The basic flow of the routine is the box is introduced, the cage vanishes and the bird reappears in my pocket. Here’s the first rough script that I wrote: When I was a 7 years old, I wanted a pet bird … Continue reading “Writing for the Vanishing Bird Cage…”
Yesterday I was doing some writing for the routine for the vanishing bird cage. The basic flow of the routine is the box is introduced, the cage vanishes and the bird reappears in my pocket.
Here’s the first rough script that I wrote:
When I was a 7 years old, I wanted a pet bird more than anything…even more than a pet tyranosaurs. Turns out my brother is allergic to birds, so my mom got me a rubber canary. One the plus side his cage is clean, on the minus side I’ll probably die in a coal mine. I also learned I’m allergic to latex.
He’s trained to do tricks. Stay…incredible. Freeze…amazing. Play dead (shake cage)…tah-dah!
Most amazing trick he does is jump up, eat the cage,then fly into my left pocket, which is amazing because everyone knows canaries are right handed.
Drum roll…One Two Three
OK, the above isn’t the worlds greatest routine, but it’s a start. Then I just wrote some random jokes for it:
This cage is made of reinforced suitable for holding pretend animals and despot rulers.
The cage looked soo much bigger on the ebay listing
You can’t spell PETA without pet.
The decline in this tricks popularity corresponds with the decline of coal miners.
Display at a coal mine supply shop
I like the “despot ruler” joke, however I don’t think it will get a big laugh.
Next I tried writing the script again with a slightly different approach:
This is the only trick in the show that I didn’t invent, so it’s the best one in the show. It was invented in a magician in the 1800’s named Dekolta. He was famous for making his wife disappear…he also held the guinness world record for most number of marriages.
He’d take a cage with a canary and make it disappear. This is the actual cage he used, and inside is the actual canary he used…according to ebay.
Unfortunately this trick is copyrighted by the magician’s guild and I can’t show it to you. So I’ll do it undercover of a handkerchief.
It happens quick. 1, 2, 3
What I don’t like about the above trick is that I’m telling them about a trick that someone else did. I should really be telling them something about me, or what’s happening now, not two hundred years ago.
I gave the script another try with another approach.
When I was a teenager I went to magic camp…I know, can you believe I turned out this normal. I got to see Harry Blackstone Jr do a trick with a canary in a cage, I always wanted to do it.
I begged my mom for a canary…I wanted to do the trick more than anything…even more than a a normal social life. Mom said I wasn’t “responsible” enough for a pet, so she got me a rubber canary. One the plus side his cage is clean, on the minus side I’ll probably die in a coal mine or from my latex allergy.
This cage was made by my middle school shop teacher / life coach, and is suitable for holding rubber animals and despot rulers.
His name is frankie, he likes sunflower seeds.
(put sunflower seed into cage and falls through)
He’s trained to do tricks. (put sunflower seed into cage and falls through) Stay…incredible. Freeze…amazing. (put sunflower seed into cage and falls through) Play dead (shake cage)…tah-dah! (put sunflower seed into cage and falls through)
Most amazing trick he does is jump up, eat the cage,then fly into my left pocket, which is amazing because everyone knows canaries are right handed.
Drum roll…One Two Three
I like this script best, as you learn a little bit about me. I think that the feeding the rubber canary is an original bit. There’s still a long way to go, and this probably isn’t what I’ll use, but it’s something.