Strange Four Ace Production

I’ve been playing with a production of three cards, but it really didn’t feel right. There’s hardly ever a reason to produce three cards. One, two and four make sense but three? I guess maybe if you’re trying to wrap up a multiple selection routine, but that would be it.

The solution hit me, have a card picked, then produce the remaining three of that value. Here’s what it looks like:

@louiefoxx Four of a kind! #cardtrick #cardistry #magictrick #aces #cards ♬ Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Peppermint Posse

Here’s how to do it:

Set up: you have an ace at the bottom of the deck and the three other aces in the middle of the deck, with a pinky break below the top ace.

Working: Classic force the ace below the pinky break, and keep the break between the two aces in the middle of the deck. While they are looking at the card, use your left ring finger to pivot the card above the break 90 degrees, so it’s sticking out sideways. This is hidden by your right hand.

Set the selected card (ace) face up on the table with your left hand.

Your right hand does Derek Dingle’s Open Sesame move, with the index finger splitting the deck above the sideways cards and pivoting the card below it 90 degrees as your turn you hand over.

BOOM! You have just produced the three cards of the same value as a selected card in a flourishy way.
