Looking forward into 2025 my new year’s resolution is to read more. That’s it, nothing crazy, just to read more and scroll (on my phone) less. One of the best books that I read last year was the Wayne Dobson’s Legacy book set.

It does a great job telling his story and his thinking behind many of the tricks. Soo many of the tricks are very “wayne” however there are a couple in there that have me thinking of ways to adapt them for me to do.

I’m going into 2025 reading Steve Spill’s book Magic is My Weed. This is a great book so far. Steve does a great job telling his story, but more importantly he tells why he does things and how he got there.
I think this is a missing thing from magic books, the journey of how the everything developed and the tools the author used to get there. Much of what’s in print is simply how to do the trick, but I find how the trick was created much more interesting. I’d day 99.9% of the stuff that I read and work through are tricks that I’ll never do. Yes, there is value in working through a trick even it you won’t perform it. You’ll learn new techniques or maybe an old technique that you can apply to something you’re already doing. It also puts things in your mental toolbox that you may need to get you out of a situation!
I’m looking forward to reading more in 2025!