In my continuing work with the Silk Thru Coat Hanger routine, one of the things I’m doing is examining the props. Since the props weren’t made specifically for me and what I’m doing, the odds are that they can be improved for what I want them to do.
The first thing I did was look a the coat hanger. I originally was using a wooden one, however this was pretty heavy and had a seam in a spot where the silk moves and frequently snagged. I ended up buying some plastic hangers at the dollar store and altering them so the were smooth where the silk and thread needed to move. This was a huge improvement.
Next I started to look at the reel. Currently I’m using a P & L Fingertip Reel. I ended up altering this a little bit. Inside the reel, I added teflon discs to the spots where metal touched metal. These discs are sold to add to gimmicked coins to reduce clinking sound and make them slide better.

These teflon discs really added to the smoothness of how the reel retracted.
I also recently ordered a couple of different reels to see if there’s a style that I prefer, rather than simply using the first one I got. I’ve got a Tango Ultimate Reel and a Kirkendall Reel coming this week. We’ll see what I end up using.
Finally I looked at the silk that I’m using. I went from a square silk to a diamond cut one. The main reason is weight, the reel can move a lighter weight faster than a heavier one…or in my case, can move a larger one for the same effort as a smaller one.
All of these little things end up making a difference. At the very least I know my props really well!