Call Backs in magic

I was watching Tom Papa’s latest Netflix stand up comedy special and he uses a technique called a “call back” a couple of times. If you don’t know what a callback is, it’s where you reference something that was said or happened earlier in the show.

There really are two kinds of call backs, planned ones that are scripted, and unplanned ones, that are spontaneous. Both are great, but the unplanned ones are the best. They are an “inside joke” that exists only with that audience.

For example at a comedy club a couple of months ago, a lady was clapping by tapping two chicken wings together. I mentioned it and it became something that I referenced a couple of times in the show that got a big laugh. Those tell people that they’re seeing a show that’s unique and that’s really one of the draws as to why people come out to a live show, to hopefully something that will never happen again!

Look for those moments in your show and use them!
