Applause Please 2: The Encore

applause please magic trick

Another batch of Applause Please 2: The Encore will be ready soon! This is the prop that I use for the object in light bulb effect. Traditionally this effect uses a lamp onstage, but I’ve changed that lamp to an applause sign!

I don’t have these in stock all the time as the outer applause box I don’t make, Phil over at Ackerly Builds currently makes them for me. That means that I get them in batches of about a dozen and those are then all gimmicked at the same time and offered for sale at the same time and usually sell out pretty quickly.

The current batch of Applause Please 2: The Encore can be preordered at:
The estimated ship date is March 3rd, 2025.


Applause Please 2: The Encore

I’m excited that I should have another batch of Applause Please 2: The Encore ready in early November! This is my Object in Lightbulb routine. You get the props for two routines; Liquid in Lightbulb and Silk in Lightbulb, plus a couple of ideas for other routines with it.

Applause Please 2: The Encore

The applause boxes are being made by Ackerly Builds (Phil Ackerly) and look great so far! I can’t wait for them to be completely finishes, so that I can add the electronics and a few other parts and start shipping them out!

There are only a dozen available in this batch and you can get them at:
