Think Before Using a US Flag in Your Show

One of the things that drives me nuts are magicians, or any performer that uses a flag in their show and doesn’t understand the US Flag Code. These are rules that define what a US Flag is, how it should be displayed and handled.

You can read the Flag Code here.

Someone recently posted in a magician’s group of their show and the American Flag in the picture being backwards was all that I could see!

Flag magic trick

There are a couple of flag code violations in the pictures above. First the flag is backwards, and then there are props on top of the flag. This isn’t a huge deal to most people, but it’s like doing a gospel magic show, but all of your crosses are upside down! It takes virtually the same energy to correctly hang a flag as it does to incorrectly display the flag.

If you use a flag, learn to handle it respectfully!


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