The Moisture Festival Podcast – Ben Nemzer

This episode the Moisture Festival Podcast catches up with magician Ben Nemzer!

magician ben nemzer

We talk about getting started in magic, going to magic camp, running an afterschool program during the pandemic and soo much more! This is a fantastic peek behind the curtain of Ben Nemzer’s life!

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Marcus Wilson

On this episode we welcome in the Funny Man Who Does Tricks, Marcus Wilson. Marcus tells us about how he got started in comedy, what it’s like as a variety act working in comedy clubs and how being a power ranger led him to being a full time performer.

We also discuss how he was able to create passive income with some of his other endeavors. A great conversation with one of the funniest people in the business. 

Cool Moments in the Show

One of the great things about performing at higher profile gigs is that there frequently great photographers there. That’s one of the cool things about performing at the Moisture Festival, they have photographers who are experienced in taking pictures of variety acts. More than just having experience with variety acts, they usually get to see an act multiple times, so they can figure out where the moments are in your show!

Louie Foxx at the Moisture Festival in seattle
Photo Credit: Sanderling Photography

The picture above was taken right after the guy in the middle guessed the girls card! This is a 6-8 minute routine that I do where someone from the audience guesses another person’s card. This used to be a longer routine with three people, but I’ve shortened it to just two and it’s a much tighter routine.

Another change that I made to the routine a few years ago was switching to jumbo cards.

Louie Foxx at the moisture festival

That makes the end of the routine really pop for the entire audience when the card is finally shown!


Filling Your Emotional Tank

On Sunday the Moisture Festival wrapped up in Seattle. It’s a four week variety arts festival and it’s a blast! No one there does it for the pay, we all do it to get to see our friends, make new ones and see amazing acts!

The moisture Festival

One of the perks is hanging out at the meals and “cutting up jackpots” with the other performers. The stories of horrible shows, crazy things we’ve seen and done help fill my soul and get me through the upcoming busy season. It’s nice to bond with people who also share in the unique experience as a travelling variety act!

Remember, it’s not all about the money when you’re offered a gig!


The Moisture Festival Podcast – 2024 Festival Live part 1

Today’s episode of The Moisture Festival has Louie Foxx hanging out with two new performers at the festival, Marcus Wilson and Spencer Androli!

We learn about performing in circuses, how performers select material for the festival and learn the history of Yo Yo performers with a surprise visit by Mark Hayward!

This is a fun backstage peek at the 2024 Moisture Festival!

The Moisture Festival Pocast – Maria Margiyeva

In this episode of the Moisture Festival Podcast, we are thrilled to have the extraordinary performer Maria Margiyeva! Maria takes us on her journey from her childhood as a gymnast to performing in a bubble 3o feet in the air! It’s a great interview with a very talented performer.

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Victoria Watts

On this episode we welcome in the brand new Executive Director of the Moisture Festival Victoria Watts.

We discuss her background in the arts, her ability to notate movements in different styles and what brought her to Seattle. We also discuss her vision for the Moisture Festival, the challenges her new role will face and we learn why she is the perfect person for the job. 

Visiting with Paul Draper

Last week I performed in the Moisture Festival in Seattle and had a blast. One of the acts that I worked with was Paul Draper. I didn’t know a ton about him, I think we both did a virtual magic convention together a couple of year ago.

Paul Draper and Louie Foxx

It was a blast seeing him, he’s got a lot of energy onstage and is very likable! Being likeable is 99% of the game!

Paul Draper linking rings

One night Paul hosted the show I was in and he’s also a solid host, who kept the show moving. This is an important skill when the show has 9 acts plus the emcee!

If Paul is performing near you, check him out, you can learn a lot by watching him!

PS I did interview Paul Draper for the Moisture Festival Podcast and you can listen to his episode here:

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Camille Swift

On this episode of the Moisture Festival Podcast we welcome in our first Ariel artist Camille Swift. We talk with Camille about the different types of ariel that exists, we also learn about Camille’s involvement in a number of different types of artistic disciplines.

camille swift

We also talk about her visual art, her interest in cryptozoology and what inspires her to create such beautiful pieces. A great interview with some fantastic insights into the world of ariel.

Closing night…

The final show of the 2022 Moisture Festival had an amazing line up!

I always look at the lineup of every show and think to myself that I don’t belong in the line up.

The amount of people that it takes to make these show happen is much larger than you’d think. Here’s a some of the cast and crew:

Normally I work as a solo act, however it’s always fun to be a part of something bigger. Being a bad ass cog in a big machine that creates amazing art is something that fills my soul!

Doing things that you love for the love of creating, not money is something that I think everyone should do!