The Moisture Festival Podcast – Thaddeus Spae

On this episode we talk with the fascinating musician Thaddeus Spae. He tells us about the early days at the Oregon Country Fair working with Reverend Chumleigh, how he wrote a march that convinced crowds to follow and he came to form the group Snake Suspenderz.

The Moisture Festival Podcast - Thaddeus Spae

He also tells us about his new band Snakes Alive, an offshoot and great band worth checking out. A great chat with a fun and amazing musician. 

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Christine Gunn

On this episode we welcome in cellist Christine Gunn. She tells us about how she plays cello and how it differs from regular cellists.

How she founded one of the bands Matt used to be really into, we learn about the early days of busking at the Pike Place Market and how that led to some amazing collaborations with some Moisture Festival favorites.  A fun interview with a fantastic musician. 

Adding an Ankle Switch…

Currently I’m using Audio Ape to run the music to my show. I really don’t care that people know or are aware that I’m using a remove control, versus a sound guy running the music. I keep the remote on my belt and push it as needed. Pretty simple. Lately I’ve been thinking about adding … Continue reading “Adding an Ankle Switch…”

Currently I’m using Audio Ape to run the music to my show. I really don’t care that people know or are aware that I’m using a remove control, versus a sound guy running the music. I keep the remote on my belt and push it as needed. Pretty simple.

Lately I’ve been thinking about adding a ankle switch to one of my remotes (I have two). Essentially what this will do is allow me to play music without having to push a button with my hands. For me there are a couple of moments where I want a sound cue, but my hands are full and hitting the cue can be a bit awkward.

Yesterday I added an ankle switch to both of my Audio Ape remote controls. It was super easy to do, especially after I found this tutorial:

One of my worries about altering a remote to run off an ankle switch was that I would no longer function as a remote and that I’d need a magnet to run that button. I was surprised to learn that the remote functions normally as well as functions when run with a magnet!

Close Up Music?

Recently I was talking to a magician who wanted to use music in a close up set. Lots of magicians have done this. It’s usually done in more formal close up or really a small parlor show and not in a roving magic context. For me one of the early example of this was Jean … Continue reading “Close Up Music?”

Recently I was talking to a magician who wanted to use music in a close up set. Lots of magicians have done this. It’s usually done in more formal close up or really a small parlor show and not in a roving magic context. For me one of the early example of this was Jean Pierre Vallarino on the World’s Greatest Magic in the 1990’s.

More recently this has gained popularity with Shin Lim’s performances on America’s Got Talent. One thing about Shin’s performance is that it’s really not a “Close Up” act, it’s a parlor act and I think a lot of magicians don’t realize that because it feels more intimate on TV. I’m not saying it can’t be done close up, but it’s bigger than most close up.

Back to using music in close up. One of the great things about close up is that you can quickly and easily connect with people, and with music you are staring out with a wall. It’s a “I’m the performer, you are the audience” scenario. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does make it harder to connect.

Personally I prefer a “we’re in this together” vibe to my show. That is easier to accomplish by talking with people. However, that’s just me, and if we all did everything the same way, the world would be boring.