I use Evaporation in several shows that I present. Currently I use it in my Kid’s Show and my Family Show. If you don’t know the difference between a Kid’s Show and a Family Show it’s the difference in ratio between kids and adults. There is typically one adult per 20-30 kids at a Kid’s Show … Continue reading “Evaporation in a Family Show”
I use Evaporation in several shows that I present. Currently I use it in my Kid’s Show and my Family Show. If you don’t know the difference between a Kid’s Show and a Family Show it’s the difference in ratio between kids and adults. There is typically one adult per 20-30 kids at a Kid’s Show and closer to a 1 -1 ratio at a Family Show.
Here’s my Evaporation gimmick set and ready to go inside the lid of my case:

I use the inside of the lid of my case as a shelf to keep props on. People always ask me what the stuff inside my case is, so from left to right you have: Flea Circus Props, Post Cards, Two Silver Dollars, Evaporation, and some Confetti.