Make the Best of the Situation…

Last night I performed a show at an outdoor Halloween event.  It was a beautiful day out until I started to drive to the show, when it started dumping rain.  Luckily they managed to get a large tent over the stage by the time I got there.  Unluckily the stage was put where water pooled, … Continue reading “Make the Best of the Situation…”

Last night I performed a show at an outdoor Halloween event.  It was a beautiful day out until I started to drive to the show, when it started dumping rain.  Luckily they managed to get a large tent over the stage by the time I got there.  Unluckily the stage was put where water pooled, so the ground had about an inch of standing water.  Oh and as a bonus the tent was leaky, and somehow the leak always managed to follow where I put my case, so all of my gear got wet…and the show hadn’t even started!


I know many acts that when their gear got wet would have called it a day and pack up. Here’s my thinking, it’s already wet, so let’s do the show.  We managed to fill up the tent, I don’t know if people wanted to see my show or they just wanted to be a bit dryer?


magic show


When doing gigs like this, one of the first things you need to do is address the “elephant in the room” which was we’re all soaked and standing in a pond.  So I made a joke about people sitting in front…Oh, I forgot to mention that there were no chairs, so the audience was standing (not ideal for a show).


By addressing these things I won the audience over and we had a blast.  However I think if I went up and did my show normally, it wouldn’t have played as well.  When something happens and you just ignore it, the audience senses you aren’t confident with what’s going on.  When you call it out, it makes you more relatable and gets them on your side quicker.



Salt Pour Magic Trick

I’ve always loved the salt pour trick, but the initial steal of the gimmick has always looked shifty. I’ve never seen any do the steal where it didn’t look like something was going on. A good solution is is a gimmicked salt shaker, so you are eliminating the steal of the gimmick. An Al Baker … Continue reading “Salt Pour Magic Trick”

I’ve always loved the salt pour trick, but the initial steal of the gimmick has always looked shifty. I’ve never seen any do the steal where it didn’t look like something was going on.

A good solution is is a gimmicked salt shaker, so you are eliminating the steal of the gimmick. An Al Baker Salt Shaker is a great way to do this…if you can find one as they are no longer manufactured.

Another option is the Vernet Etherial Salt Shaker, however I think it looks like a trick salt shaker.


Finally it hit me, why not gimmick a large glass salt shaker like the Evaporation gimmick. You’ll get a pour that looks similar to the Al Baker Salt Shaker during the pour, but will be much easier to set and operate.

I’m currently audience testing it right now an so far seems to be working…

Evaporation in a Show

Here’s picture taken of. Show at a farmer’s market. If you look on the table you’ll see an Evaporation bottle. I The bottle is still full, so I haven’t done my routine with it yet… Louie

Here’s picture taken of. Show at a farmer’s market.


If you look on the table you’ll see an Evaporation bottle. I
The bottle is still full, so I haven’t done my routine with it yet…


Evaporation Routine…

Here’s a picture of the end of one of the routines that I’m using the Evaporation trick in:   This summer I’ve been working on two routines using my Evaporation bottle.  I’m hoping to write them up sometime soon and offer them in a book of routines with the gimmick. Louie

Here’s a picture of the end of one of the routines that I’m using the Evaporation trick in:



This summer I’ve been working on two routines using my Evaporation bottle.  I’m hoping to write them up sometime soon and offer them in a book of routines with the gimmick.


Magician Mark Alan Using Evaporation!

The summer is just getting started and I’ve heard from a ton of magicians that they are using my Evaporation trick in their summer shows.  Here’s Mark Alan ( using it in his summer library tour: Looks like everyone is having a fun time! If you’ve got pictures or video of  you using the Evaporation … Continue reading “Magician Mark Alan Using Evaporation!”

The summer is just getting started and I’ve heard from a ton of magicians that they are using my Evaporation trick in their summer shows.  Here’s Mark Alan ( using it in his summer library tour:

10428039_10202277925616771_8409019545811172272_n 10444789_10202277926136784_5002492030652617865_n Magic trick for kids show Magic trick for kids show

Magic trick for kids show

Looks like everyone is having a fun time!

If you’ve got pictures or video of  you using the Evaporation trick in your show send them to me!


evaporation Trick at a Festival

Here’s an unknown magician using my Evaporation trick at a street festival: If you have any pics of you using the trick feel free to send them to me! Louie

Here’s an unknown magician using my Evaporation trick at a street festival:


If you have any pics of you using the trick feel free to send them to me!


Gatorade Evaporation

A lot of people have been asking me to make a Gatorade version of Evaporation. Currently it’s only available as a custom bottle. Here’s a 32 ounce fruit punch gimmicked Gatorade bottle: The bottle for this has an additional gimmick to allow you to change the pour angle a little bit. I’m testing the Gatorade … Continue reading “Gatorade Evaporation”

A lot of people have been asking me to make a Gatorade version of Evaporation. Currently it’s only available as a custom bottle. Here’s a 32 ounce fruit punch gimmicked Gatorade bottle:


The bottle for this has an additional gimmick to allow you to change the pour angle a little bit. I’m testing the Gatorade bottle in my show right now to make sure there are any unforeseen issues with the bottle. Hopefully I will have this available by the end of Stummer as an standard item.


Genii Magazine review of Evaporation

The April 2014 issue of Genii magazine has a review of the Evaporation trick “It’s a clever out of the box approach to vanishing liquid that you haven’t seen before.” David Regal, Genii Magazine 4/2014 In the review David Regal compare my thinking to that of Stewart James! I’m a huge Stewart James fan. Many … Continue reading “Genii Magazine review of Evaporation”

The April 2014 issue of Genii magazine has a review of the Evaporation trick


“It’s a clever out of the box approach to vanishing liquid that you haven’t seen before.”
David Regal, Genii Magazine 4/2014

In the review David Regal compare my thinking to that of Stewart James! I’m a huge Stewart James fan. Many tricks that are popular today are built upon his tricks. Without Stewart James there would be no Dean’s Box.

You can learn more about Stewart James here:


Evaporation – Raw Materials

Every gimmicked Evaporation bottle is handmade by me.  I start with a Sunny D bottle as it’s base. Of course I can custom gimmick many different brands / types of bottles, but the stock version is a Sunny D bottle. I empty each bottle and clean them out.  Then I install the gimmick and give … Continue reading “Evaporation – Raw Materials”

Every gimmicked Evaporation bottle is handmade by me.  I start with a Sunny D bottle as it’s base.


Of course I can custom gimmick many different brands / types of bottles, but the stock version is a Sunny D bottle.

I empty each bottle and clean them out.  Then I install the gimmick and give them a leak test.  After that they are packaged up and shipped out!



Stocking Up on Evaporation!

One of my sources for the correct bottle to use in the Evaporation Trick had them on sale this week, so I bought them out!   There are several reasons why I use this specific bottle to install the evaporation gimmick into.  The liquid color is fairly opaque which hides the gimmick better than a … Continue reading “Stocking Up on Evaporation!”

One of my sources for the correct bottle to use in the Evaporation Trick had them on sale this week, so I bought them out!



There are several reasons why I use this specific bottle to install the evaporation gimmick into.  The liquid color is fairly opaque which hides the gimmick better than a more see through liquid.  Also this specific Sunny D bottle’s shape works better and is easier to install the gimmick into than  most juice bottles.
