Chinese Take Out Production…

Yesterday I wrote about an idea of using a chinese take out box as a production box. I went out and bought some poster board and made a box using the real one as a template. It was pretty easy to make the box, and luckily it all worked out on the first try: I … Continue reading “Chinese Take Out Production…”

Take Up Reels are out there!

After about a year of me selling my Take Up Reel via word of mouth, I’ve finally made them available through a magic shop. If you don’t k now what a take up reel is click here for more info! You can get them from People frequently ask me if I would prefer they … Continue reading “Take Up Reels are out there!”

Vanishing Bottle Routine

A few months ago I picked up Henry Harrius’s Refilled vanishing bottle (Corona version). It’s sat on my desk for a while and recently I read Wayne Dobson‘s vanishing bottle routine and kinda liked the idea. So I sat down and wrote out a routine for it. The effect is: You have a bag and … Continue reading “Vanishing Bottle Routine”

Lightbulb Eating Routine

Recently I was in a show with sideshow performer who did glass eating, and that inspired me to write a routine for glass (lightbulb) eating. I should say that I’ve seen this act many times, so I may have accidentally written a line that’s existed before and a couple of the lines are pretty obvious, … Continue reading “Lightbulb Eating Routine”

Take a Penny

I’ve been playing with my Coin Tray (see post at that looks like one of the “take a penny” trays at that corner stores have on the counter. The routine starts with a gag, where I ask to borrow 10 pennies from a person in the audience. When they don’t have them, I take … Continue reading “Take a Penny”

Take Your Show on the Road!

Tips for Travelling With Your Show!   My “summer season” started early with a 10 day outdoor fair in Southern California in February.  Normally my outdoor season doesn’t start until March or April, so I’m out working on my tan early! Amazon Lockers: Most cities have Amazon lockers and they can be a lifesaver if … Continue reading “Take Your Show on the Road!”

Still Figuring Out the Thumb Tie

The last week I’ve been working on a thumb tie using electrical tape. The routine is starting to figure itself out, but I keep noticing dead spots or spots where the blocking is rough and hard for the audience to see. One place in the routine that’s both dead time and not really audience viewing … Continue reading “Still Figuring Out the Thumb Tie”

Sometimes You Gotta Take a Leap of Faith!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about Busker Organs and mine finally showed up…after about a month in transit from Europe! This was a crazy transaction, the guy who made it only takes wire transfer which has no buyer protection and these organs aren’t cheap! I don’t know the guy or have … Continue reading “Sometimes You Gotta Take a Leap of Faith!”

Six Tips for Surviving Outdoor Summer Gigs

This year I’m performing about one hundred days outside at fairgrounds across the USA. That’s a lot of shows outside!  Over the years I’ve learned a few things to make performing outdoors a little easier on your body.  This is what works for me, your mileage may vary. Hydrate:  If you’re going to be performing … Continue reading “Six Tips for Surviving Outdoor Summer Gigs”

Never Take a Seat…

When I travel I try to do shows for senior groups. This is a great way to fill a day when I get into a city the day before a bigger contract. I recently did one, and when I arrived the lady at the desk told me to have a seat in the lobby and … Continue reading “Never Take a Seat…”