Magic on the Morning Show

Last week I did a TV spot to promote National Magic Week and here’s the video of the spot:

Here’s where I could have improved:

  • I should have asked to do a run through so that the camera man and director knew what was going to happen. That would have had way less clunky wide shots.
  • I should have held the display of the card a lot longer. My displays were too fast.

It was a decent media spot, not great but not bad either.


Face Peeling…

I got to try out the trick I wrote about yesterday that used Index Only playing cards and Card Stickers where I peel off a piece of the card and give it away. It’s not really a trick, but I think it’s more like what Paul Harris calls a piece of strange. It really wouldn’t fly as a stand alone trick and honestly it is what it is, a sticker on a card. However it has more going for it in a situational context, like none of the other cards peel off, which is what every group I tried it on did…try to peel off another card.

Here’s a video of the first couple of times I tried it:

The thing that I would change is that I should be giving away the sticker and keeping the card. The card is the harder part to replace.

I’m happy with the reactions it’s getting and a great, fun, strange ending to the Ambitious Card!
