There’s No Plan B for Your A Game

A couple of days ago I finished reading the book There’s No Plan B For Your A Game. I was told it was good by another magician. This is not a magic book, but a “self help” style book.

There's No Plan B for Your A Game

For me one of the big takeaways is to act like you’re already doing what you want to be doing. For example, I want to work more theaters, so instead of wishing I could do more, I should be acting like I’m currently doing them.

What does that mean?

Aside from marketing to them as if I’m currently in that market, I should have my show up to that level. That means having all the things done (or working on them) for that venue. For example, I want to use projection for part of my show, so I’ve been breaking it in a library shows over the summer. I’m acting like I’m in a venue that has projection capabilities.

This book has made me think a bit more about how to take the next step.


Moving to a National Act

Years ago when I wanted to become a more “national” act, one of the things that I did was try to do something nationally newsworthy to send to agents twice a year. Twice a year turned into doing it quarterly and then monthly.

What exactly the definition of “nationally newsworthy” is, I’m not sure. Roughly it’s things that I can tell agents about and it raises my status from local Seattle magician to something bigger.

That’s where doing things like writing an article for a mainstream magazine comes in. It’s makes me an “expert” on magic, not just a local magician. Do things like this make the quality of my show better?


Things like this raise the perception of the quality of my show. For getting work from a new agent or work at another level that’s something important!


How Hard to Promote a Show?

One of the local comedy clubs in my area is trying out doing all ages, family friendly afternoon shows and they had me do their test show! I’ve known the owner for probably a decade, so I wanted this to succeed! If they do it monthly, quarterly or whatever it’s good for local variety performers as it’s more local work!

I do try to promote every show I do, however sometimes it’s just a calendar listing and sometimes it’s more. This one I worked a bit harder to help sell tickets. For this show I worked my email list, and social media a bit harder and much to my surprise I managed to sell out the show!

louie foxx tacoma comedy club

When it comes to promoting a show, there’s a lot that goes into deciding how hard to promote it. Some of the factors are:

-How high profile the show is: A comedy club, theater or TV appearance sounds more prestigious to the general public than a rural library. That doesn’t mean that the rural library is any less important, in fact I’d say that the rural library is a more important show for the community. That may be the only chance that community has to see a live show. However me promoting that rural library really hard, probably won’t change the attendance.

-Do I have a financial stake in the show? If it’s a show where I’m four walling it, or get a percentage of tickets sales instead of a flat fee, then I need to hustle the show a bit more.

-Do I have a personal stake in the show? Some shows you have a personal reason that you want them to succeed. Like it’s a fundraiser for a cause that’s close to your heart, it’s a gig run by a friend, or whatever.

Also anytime you promote a show, you are marketing to a general audience. It’s the old advice that the more people see your name the more likely they’ll book you.


Six Steps to Being the Best in the World!

Years ago I broke my first Guinness World Record (I’ve broken two now) and it’s something that has definitely helped my career!  When you look at magicians in your market, most are “award winning magicians”, but I’m going to guess very few magicians or other variety performers are Guinness World Record Holders.  This is a very unique credit to have that carries a lot of weight with people booking you.  According to Guinness, you’re the best in the world at something.  It doesn’t have to be magic related, mine aren’t for magic, but it implies a level of quality or skill that you have.

Breaking a record isn’t hard, and recently I helped my several people navigate the Guinness World Record system to break world records. It’s not very hard, but can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. You want to make sure you do everything correctly.  The worst case is to have claim rejected on procedural grounds.

Before we go any further, I technical have more than two Guinness World Records, as I’ve been involved in group things, like the “largest toast” with beer.  I personally don’t consider those as me having a record as I’m not listed as the record holder, usually the event organizer is listed at the record holder.

OK, so how to you become a Guinness World Record Holder? 

Step 1:  Find a record to break. 
Go to the Guinness World Record website and do a search for things you’re interested in, or good at. You’ll be amazed at how many things are out there!

You can create a new record, however this is usually harder than breaking an existing one.  Keep in mind that Guinness won’t accept everything submitted.  For example, let’s say someone has the record for running a marathon with a baseball on their head. If you try to create a record for running a marathon with a softball on your head, they’ll probably reject it as it’s basically the same as doing it with a baseball on your head. 

Step 2: Contact Guinness to get the rules.
When you contact Guinness, you’ll create an account on their website and file a claim attempt.  There’s not much to this, you’re filling out paperwork and then they send you the rules. There are a few ways to do this, you can pay to have it fast tracked, or do it the slower, but free way.  I’ve only done the free way.
Once they send you the official rules to the record you’re going to break, now you’re ready to get started.

Step 3: Practice
When you practice, be sure to follow the rules exactly.  A good example is a TV show that I was on that read me the rules wrong.  They told me I needed to be six feet from the target, when in reality it was two meters (6.6 feet).  I had practiced at six feet and when I arrived on set right before my official attempt, the Guinness Adjudicator informed me I was six inches too close.  This small detail in conversion cost me a world record on TV!

Step 4: Set up the attempt
This involves notifying Guinness of what you intend to do and when you are going to do it. You will also need to line up your witnesses and physical location.  This is also when you write your press releases and start to contact the media about the attempt.

Guinness wants you to break the record in a place that’s open the to the public, so not your basement.  They also prefer it to be done at events, as there’s something to promote in the press releases you send out to the media.

Step 5: Nail it!
At your official attempt, do you best and break the record!

Step 6: Submit your evidence
Send all of the evidence (video, witness statements, news reports, etc) to Guinness.  Now you wait for them to approve it or deny it.

That’s it…easy peasy. 

What are you waiting for, hop onto the Guinness World Record website and start digging around for a record to break!
