The Moisture Festival Podcast – Etienne

On this episode we welcome all the way over zoom from France, Etienne McGinley. Etienne talks with us about his path to performing and how watching Bill Irwin and David Shiner changed his view on how he wanted to perform.

Etienne McGinley

We talk about his evolution as a performer and how the grind of cruise ships wore on him. We also discuss how a chance encounter led him to getting accepted into clown college. A really great and in depth conversation with a fantastic performer

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Faeble Kievman

On this episode we welcome in clown extraordinaire Faeble Kievman. Faeble discusses how he got into clowning, who helped him a long the way and what goes into making a good clown routine.

The moisture festival podcast - faeble kievman

We also discuss what social circus is and how Faeble focus’s on entertaining in places that don’t have any. We also hear some stories of places he has performed and how he made it work even in some of the most difficult entertainment spots.

The Art of the D*ck Joke

A few weeks ago when I was in Oaxaca, Mexico I saw a street show my a clown.

clown in mexico city

I was aware that Mexican and South American clowning is very different that in the USA or Canada. There’s a very “adult” style clowning in those areas that wouldn’t really play in the USA.

Mexican clown

The clown did a long bit using a balloon as a penis and didn’t hide it with double entendre, he did straight up d*ck jokes with the balloon!

The late night crowd was with him and were enjoying the show. I’m not going to say the show was offensive, it was just very different from what we see north of the border!

The cool thing about his show was there was no dead time, the show always pushed forward!


The Moisture Festival Podcast – Coventry and Kaluza

The moisture festival podcast tries something they have never done before by interviewing two performers over zoom and who better to try it out with then the fabulous Coventry and Kaluza.

We learn about how clown college led to love and a career making people laugh. We also learn about the dynamics of working as a team and how they take things from their everyday life and add them to the show. A great conversation that we know you are gonna love

The Moisture Festival Podcast – Jeff Raz

This week continues the Moisture Festival Podcast’s roadshow with another interview from Berkeley, CA where they are joined by Jeff Raz!

In this episode they chat about his time in Cirque du Soleil, what makes a good clown and how he became an author! This is a fantastic interview that you’ll love!