Putting It together…

One of the big things I need to do in the next couple of weeks is to write out two 40+ minute show set lists. I’ve written about working on new material to get to the two forty minute shows. I’ve worked pretty hard the last six or seven months on new material and think … Continue reading “Putting It together…”

One of the big things I need to do in the next couple of weeks is to write out two 40+ minute show set lists. I’ve written about working on new material to get to the two forty minute shows. I’ve worked pretty hard the last six or seven months on new material and think I have enough to make it happen.

Now that I think I have enough time in material, the next challenge is to lay it out into two shows. The idea is to have most of the routines alternate going from one solo trick to one audience participation trick. By audience participation, I mean using someone on the stage. If I’m talking to someone who stays seated in the audience, I still consider that a solo trick.

The final challenge is how to organize it. Do I put them out as one “A” show and one “B” show, or do an “A-” and a “B+” show? I think I’m going to go with an A show and B show and work to bring the B show up to an A show. That way I’m only polishing a 40 min show instead of 80 mins.