Glove Magic…

The other night I was having a virtual magic jam and was showing some of my ideas using surgical gloves. Here’s a few of them:

Gloves are interesting to use for magic because they fit have a built in “black art” to them. Also like water they have rules, they have to stretch, are essentially air tight and things can’t get through them. We can now use those rules to our advantage. The old close up black art tricks with thing like the chinatown half no longer need the black card. You just set the coin onto your palm, and they can see right thought it!

I’m not sure that the use of gloves will have much of a life beyond the next year when all of this COVID-19 stuff hopefully is over. I do think that glove tricks are good social media content right now.

Performing Live Vs. Prerecorded

On Social Media Right now, it seems like everyone is doing shows on Facebook Live.  It’s partially because it’s a new thing and seems fun, however personally I’m against it.  I want to be clear, I’m not talking about teaching things like lectures, but people performing for people to watch. Here’s the problem, it’s visually uninteresting. 

Typically, it’s a single camera, static shot of someone in a room.  Visually that gets old very quick.  Watch any produced magic TV show and you won’t see 5 minutes of video from a single point.  Now watch any TV show and you’ll notice the same.  If you Live Stream, why are you forcing your audiences to watch a static camera view your show?

We live in a world where you can do a two camera live stream where you change views or single camera, but have someone move it for different views. It’s not that hard, but you need to pump the breaks on your rush to get content out there and try to get it out in more digestible manner for the general public. 

I just completed my first “show” for social media.  Every Tuesday my brothers and I have a “virtual dinner” and one suggested I do a cooking show.  The goal of the video was to make my brothers laugh, but it took work. 

I sat down, wrote it out, then sent it to a buddy for notes and to punch it up.  For me the fun part was building the props.  Inspired by a picture that Christoper Weed had posted as a joke of a gloved hand wearing a thumb tip, I decided to do the whole show wearing gloves and had to turn “flesh colored” gimmicks into glove colored gimmicks. 

I recorded and edited it.  Editing is what makes your show watchable, and the lack of it is one of the things that I don’t like about most live streams.  I don’t need to see you sip water, or dig around in your case to grab props.  Editing is a lot of boring work, which is why I think a lot of people are taking the easy route and doing Live Streams, but doing it makes your show so much more watchable!

Hope you enjoyed my rant.  The opinions above are mine.  If yours are different, hopefully they make you think about yours. 

My Cooking Show…

In yesterdays post I showed a gimmick that I was making for a video. This video was made because my brother said I should do a cooking show for our weekly “virtual dinners”. A night before our dinner, I had a ton of ideas and wrote out a rough script, and sent it to a buddy of mine who punched it up. I then built the gimmicks and recorded the show.

Here’s what I made:

At about the 9 min mark you can see the gimmick I posted about yesterday. There’s a couple of other interesting magic effects that happen in the video as well. This was what I found interesting about making the whole video was that the cooking was a frame for magic to happen. It was a built in presentation hook.

It took over 12 hours to make this video, and the sole goal of it was to make my brothers laugh. That’s art, money or longevity of it wasn’t a consideration, it was simply to get a reaction. What reaction are the videos your are posting designed to get?

Adapting Gimmicks…

What are you doing to stay creative right now? I’ve got several outlets for creativity, however on of them is new to me. During the self quarantine, my brothers and our families have a virtual dinner once a week. Last week they asked me to do a cooking show, so I’ve been working on that for fun.

One of the things that I came up with was to turn a garlic clove into chopped garlic. The simple solution is to use a thumb tip. I didn’t really want my hands covered in garlic, so I thought about wearing gloves and a then this I covered a thumbtip with the end of glove and it worked great!

Magic trick

Forcing yourself outside of your comfort zone is a great way to get yourself thinking creatively! If the cooking show turns out watchable, I’ll share it here.

Live Comments…

The other day I posted about a virtual gig I did. I was an act in a cabaret show and my bit was prerecorded, so I didn’t perform live. Honestly that was sort of a mistake. We should have found a way to do it live from different locations, and not prerecorded.

All of these things like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Zoom, etc all have chat functions. When my prerecorded segment was on the show, I didn’t know if I wanted to watch because I was scared of what people would say in the comments. I forced my self to watch it and read the comments as my segment was playing. I decided what I could learn from negative comments would have HUGE value. I got positive comments, so my ego was unscathed.

One thing about doing a virtual gig is that you can use the comments to your advantage. You can use them for people to pick a card, name a number, say their favorite movie, etc. Now you can add some interactive elements to the show.

The takeaway is you should embrace the comments feature and use them to your advantage!

Making a Trick Happen…

About six months ago I had an idea for a trick, essentially it was a signed card changed from a five of spade to a four of spade. You can read my idea for method for this trick here. This is basically the trick “Picking Off The Pips” that I think I read a version of in the Amateur Magician’s Handbook by Henry Hay when I was a kid. The difference is that it’s a signed card.

I was going to make up a card, but time wise never did. Then due to the cancellations of shows due to COVID-19 I was cleaning up my office and found a set of Dry Transfer Decal Card Pips.

picking off the pip

This was probably the greatest thing that’s come out of cleaning out the office! Thanks to these I was able to easily make the gimmick for my idea.

The pip I added to the card was a bit smaller than the pips currently on a poker size deck, but I don’t think that will change how the trick works.

The trick hinges on people not being as familiar with a deck of cards as magicians are. I remember as a kid my mom coming home from work and they had a corporate trainer do a thing with a deck of cards. It wasn’t a card trick, but at the end the trainer asked if anyone had noticed anything strange with the cards. My mom was the only one who noticed that the red cards were black and the black card were red. The only reason she caught that is at that time she’d probably picked a hundred cards a week for me while I was practicing tricks. Normal audiences won’t notice.

I’m glad to have the gimmick, unfortunately I there are no audiences to do the trick for right now. I wish I could try it out.

Take It Further…

If you’ve seen my magic lecture you’ve heard my favorite quote, which is essentially what my lecture is about. If you haven’t, here’s the quote:

Go past crowd pleasing and into real comedy…

Mel Brooks

He says it on Tom Papa’s podcast, it’s a great interview and you should listen to it. In my lecture I use the quote not just for comedy, but for magic. Sponge balls are crowd pleasing, how do you go past that and get into real magic?

Let’s get back to what I’m writing this post about. Someone in a magic forum had posted a picture of the nest of wands comedy prop that was broken.

nest of wands

If you’re not familiar with the Nesting Wands trick you have large diameter wand and smaller wands keep coming out of it. If you’re not familiar with the prop, here’s it in action:

The sets that are common in the USA have one end that’s sealed, and the person who wrote the Facebook post thought that they were broken and need to be fixed. For me whenever a prop breaks, I look at it as a chance to p lay with the prop and figure out things that may not have been possible before. I’ve had a bunch of cool things come out of props breaking and getting a new view of them.

When I was younger and did magic shows at kids birthday parties, I used this prop. However the set I had were made by Tops Magic in Europe. Most people in the USA didn’t like this set of Nesting Wands because they were open at both ends. I loved them because there was a lot more you could do with them. Here’s some ideas:

  • When the kid tries to “one up you” and restack them, they will fall out the other end.
  • You renest them and they all fall onto the floor.
  • You renest them and they slide out the other end and land in your case, but you don’t notice that. Then once they are all in your case, you look at the wand in your hand and see it’s empty. You then look around for where they went.
  • When the kid hands them back to you, you drop them all over the floor. You pick up the biggest wand and ask the kid to hand you another wand. They do, you put it into the wand in your hand and it just falls out the bottom ( you don’t notice that) and have the kid keep handing you wands and they keep falling through. Repeat till it’s not funny and at that point start holding the wands in with your finger at the bottom. Once they are all nested, let them drop out and onto the floor!

Look a prop breaking as an opportunity to do something creative and new with the prop. Sometimes you’ll just have a broken prop…other times you’ll have gold!


Something about magic that I’ve never understood is magicians complaining about people exposing magic secrets. I’m not into secrets, but will use people exposing things to prove a point. Honestly, no one is searching out the secrets to magic tricks.

Fast forward to now, when everyone is giving away a free online lecture. The International Brotherhood of Magicians is having an daily lecture, as well as pretty much everyone else. Here’s the thing, no one has a barrier to entry. It’s all free, and open to anyone. Unfortunately, it’s all potential exposure.

Here’s my issue, when the IBM is against exposure, why are they freely giving out the secrets to tricks? There’s no barrier to entry, anyone can watch these videos. I’m going to restate my position that exposure really doesn’t hurt magic. You can’t take it both ways, if you dislike exposure and like these lectures, you need to reevaluate your position on exposure.

think about it, is there a test to watch a lecture in person? The only test is if you have $20 for the ticket. Same with all magic, there really are no barriers between the general public and magic secrets.

Don’t get hung up on secrets.

Virtual Gigs…

When I had six weeks of work cancel, I decided I was going to grow out my facial hair until my next paid show. Unfortunately that happened the other night, and I’ll never know what my full quarantine mustache could have been. The plus side is that I did a paid gig!

At the time the show was booked, it was a 10 min spot in a cabaret show with the audience’s chairs spaced out to meet “social distancing guidelines”. Then my county added restrictions on gatherings of more than 10 people and an audience wasn’t a viable option. The producer adapted and decided to do a streaming show, so we performed live at the venue for people who watched online. Then the state added more restrictions and the hosts of the show did their part live at the venue and all the performers did their acts from home, and they were prerecorded.

The nice thing about recording my set is that I could do it twice and take the better version. I cheated it a little bit and recorded each run through with two cameras, so that using camera changes I could mix the two recordings.

The downside of recording a set by yourself is there’s no audience feedback. It’s very strange, and I think I could get used to it, but it would be my last choice in ways to perform. You either end up plowing through material, or taking long pauses that are awkward.

If I had more time to plan, and not a day to shift from a venue to the corner of my office with a backdrop thrown up, I would have approached it a bit differently. I probably would have dusted off the cups and balls and done that in my set. That’s a 5 min set that doesn’t need audience interaction. I would also have planned some more visual quick things that aren’t as good in a live setting, but work on video.

Magic Product…

Something that I’ve never really liked is when magicians sell their magic products on their performer websites. To me it just feels like it’s taking away focus from what your performance website is all about. While you can make money from magic product, it’s usually far less than your show fee. Personally I’ve never and don’t plan on selling magic on my main website at, which is just for my show.

A good example of why I don’t like this is the magician Kevin James website. If you’re a fan and go there, you can figure out a lot of “secrets” by visiting his online store. I also think that the majority of the people who visit his site aren’t people who would book him, it’s more of a “catch all” website. The purpose of the site isn’t to book gigs, but to offer all things Kevin James. For me that’s not the purpose of my main website.

**Note: I’m a huge fan of Kevin James as a performer and magic creator**

You may have noticed a couple of changes to this blog. First of all it’s got a new look, and it’s slightly easier to navigate. Apparently I was on an old server and was limited with some of the stuff I could do. With my newfound free time I moved the blog to a new server and added a magic products page to the blog. What’s nice about having it here is that it doesn’t really conflict with the intent of the blog intended readers.