Worst Case Scenario

Oh man, tonight I saw an act that had a really rough time…and by really rough, I mean it was probably the worst case scenario of their show.  Seeing an what happened to this act, really made me think about what are the worst things that could happen to my show.  We’re talking possible career … Continue reading “Worst Case Scenario”

Oh man, tonight I saw an act that had a really rough time…and by really rough, I mean it was probably the worst case scenario of their show.  Seeing an what happened to this act, really made me think about what are the worst things that could happen to my show.  We’re talking possible career ending things that could happen to you as a result of your show.  It’s not a fun thought, but something we all should think of.  

The act that I watched was a circus act.  The act started with them having sound issues.  It began with someone’s mic pack off, however in diagnosing the problem, they adjusted their levels, so when the mic pack came on, their audio started feeding back.  Once they solved that, they were off their game. They kept missing juggling tricks, which further knocked them off their game.  They ending with one guy on stilts and someone standing on their shoulders…and that’s where the worst case scenario happened.  They fell over and they fell hard!

That was probably their worst case scenario. I’ve had people fall off the stage, trip on the way up, get stung by a bee, I even tore my rotator cuff during a show. It’s how you deal with them that makes you a pro.

What’s your worst case scenario, and how would you deal with it?