One of the things that I try to do is use any “found time” that I have during my day. This is time when you’re just waiting. Here’s an example, over the weekended I did three shows at a church. There was about a 20 minute service, my show, then 40 minutes before the next service started. That gave me a lot of gaps in my day that’s bonus stuff to get done.
I packed my laptop and got some work done after my show and before the next service had started.

Essentially that gave me about half an hour between shows to get work done, which is great! That’s time I would have had to find elsewhere in my life. Then after the service started, while I was waiting for my show, I stood in the back of the room and worked on a card sleight. That’s also practice time that I’d have to find somewhere else in the day.
Being a good steward of your time is something that I think is important. Yes, it’s okay to waste time and just chill out, that’s important, however if I can use some time during gaps in my day to get things done, I’m happy to do it!