A while ago I almost flew to New York on a day I had off between a couple of contracts to see In & Of Itself. Unfortunately, with the flights and the show that I could get tickets to, if my plane was a little bit late, I would have missed the show. I didn’t go.

The show is streaming right now at the IFC Center’s website. You save $3 with the coupon code: ROADTRIP
After watching it, I’m regretting not taking the chance on seeing it in person. The show was AMAZING! That’s just seeing it streamed, I can’t imagine the energy seeing it live.
There’s a lot that makes the show work. First of all it’s now a “magic show” but a show that has magic elements. I think about five tricks in 90 minutes, so not a lot of magic, but what’s there is great!
One of the things that makes the show work is that Derek Delgaudio is a normal guy. He doesn’t have shellac’d hair, dancers, or exaggerated applause poses. He’s an honest guy sharing his life. Sure there are theatrical things that happen, like lighting, or music, but they aren’t overbearing like the how a 1990’s Las Vegas illusionist finishes a trick.
Watching the show, I cried twice. Derek knows how to connect with people in a way I don’t think I’ve ever seen in another show. This style of show is something that other magicians are going to be chasing for years. Derek is soo far ahead of the pack, and it’s such a unique show and venue. You can’t really break in this sort of material at the gravel company’s holiday party.
Do yourself a favor and watch the show. It will inspire you to be better!