Audio Ape – Belt Clip

Way back in January of 2020 I made a 3D design for a replacement clip for my Audio Ape remote control and posted a picture of it on Facebook.

audio ape remote control replacement belt clip

Recently this post has had a second life with people asking me if they can get the .stl file. I’ve offered it for a few bucks and what’s funny is everyone expects it for free.

Why would I give them my work for free?

It’s literally a piece of my life that I spent to create this. There’s a cost associated with it AND there’s a reason why they don’t just make their own. It’s either they’re too lazy to do it, or they don’t know how and are too lazy to learn how to use 3d modelling software. Either way, their being lazy doesn’t entitle them to my time with no benefit to me. Also, I should mention that these are the same people who complain about being asked to do free shows!

I did just print out a few of them for a friend of mine who I was working with an noticed he had broken his original Audio Ape belt clip and his replacement was duct tape and cardboard. I don’t mind giving my time away to my friends, but not always to strangers.

If you need a replacement belt clip for your Audio Ape you can order a four pack of them for $20 from me at:


Audio Ape Belt Clip

Way back in January of 2020 I made a 3D design for a replacement clip for my Audio Ape remote control and posted a picture of it on Facebook.

audio ape remote control replacement belt clip

Recently this post has had a second life with people asking me if they can get the .stl file. I’ve offered it for a few bucks and what’s funny is everyone expects it for free.

Why would I give them my work for free?

It’s literally a piece of my life that I spent to create this. There’s a cost associated with it AND there’s a reason why they don’t just make their own. It’s either they’re too lazy to do it, or they don’t know how and are too lazy to learn how to use 3d modelling software. Either way, their being lazy doesn’t entitle them to my time with no benefit to me. Also, I should mention that these are the same people who complain about being asked to do free shows!

I did just print out a few of them for a friend of mine who I was working with an noticed he had broken his original Audio Ape belt clip and his replacement was duct tape and cardboard.

If you need a replacement belt clip for your Audio Ape, you can get them at:


Magic Prop Problems…

There are many magic props that are a pain to use. Mostly because of either they wear our or need to be maintained. For example, you may have a prop that has a flimsy hinge or a string that rubs against something. Those are things that you need to keep an eye on. On thing … Continue reading “Magic Prop Problems…”

There are many magic props that are a pain to use. Mostly because of either they wear our or need to be maintained. For example, you may have a prop that has a flimsy hinge or a string that rubs against something. Those are things that you need to keep an eye on.

On thing that I use in my show is a remote control to run my audio. I’ve heard stories of people breaking the belt clip on it. While not a huge deal, it’s a pain the butt to not have one while you are waiting for a replacement to arrive, or trying to figure out how to make a makeshift belt clip.

I was working on another prop and had some leftover silicone, so I made a mold of the remote control’s belt clip and made a couple belt clips.

Audio Ape remote control belt clip

These fit perfectly onto the remote control. The are going to live in the bottom of my audio case for when I need them, or am working with with someone cool who might need one.