There’s a stereotype that people think magic is for kids, or magicians are nerdy. That’s an older stereotype, and not a modern look at magic at all. David Blaine changed all of that, then people like Cris Angel and shows like America’s Got Talent cemented the idea that magic is good. Here’s my proof. Frequently … Continue reading “People Love Magic…”
There’s a stereotype that people think magic is for kids, or magicians are nerdy. That’s an older stereotype, and not a modern look at magic at all. David Blaine changed all of that, then people like Cris Angel and shows like America’s Got Talent cemented the idea that magic is good.
Here’s my proof. Frequently when I travel, I try to initially tell people that I meet that I’m a magician. I tell them I’m a performer, or variety act. When they want more specifics, I tell them I juggle, tell some jokes, magic tricks, balance things… They always stop me at magic tricks and ask more about that. That’s how you know the public is interested in it. Not the juggling, not the jokes, the magic.
Your job comes in here. When you show someone a magic trick, or perform, you need to be able to deliver. You should do good magic that’s not cheesy. Give the people a reason to continue to enjoy magic!