It’s a Joke-r…

Here’s another one of my videos where I try to improve packet tricks that I’ve come across. This one is called It’s a Joke-r by Bill Pryor. Here’s the video of it done with the original instructions and then a revised version for a real audience:

The trick is sort of a Princess Card Trick with a kicker, but it’s poorly executed. The whole part of putting a card in your pocket, just to pull it out I don’t like. I also don’t like waiting for the audience to want to turn over the cards on the table for the kicker to happen. If they do turn them over, it’s great, but if they don’t, the trick is just OK.

The changes I made of have a card thought of by me and the person from the audience gives the trick a little more depth. Then never putting a card in my pocket, but keeping it in my hand adds a lot to the trick. Finally having a reason for them to turn over the cards to discover the jokers guarantees they get revealed.

This is a trick that takes up way too much pocket space for how good the trick is. I don’t think the original or my revised version justifies the use of space.

2 thoughts on “It’s a Joke-r…”

  1. People are keen to learn magic tricks of any kind, which is why the blog mentions a card magic trick that can be learned by anyone. It is very helpful for us to have this information shared with us. Thank you.

    1. The Princess Card Trick is a great trick! Lately it’s been a little bit overexposed on the internet with it being done as an interactive trick. However Gordan Beam’s version of the trick where the thought of card disappears is great and the little touch of the card disappearing adds a lot to the trick!


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