Projection for seniors!

While I don’t do a ton of shows at senior communities anymore, I still do a fair amount of them. Here’s one from last week, you’ll notice that I’m now using projection in these shows.

close up magic with a projector

I have a very simple set up and don’t ask for it, but if they have a TV or projector in the room, I use it!

The two tricks that I specifically use the projector for at:
The Russian Shell Game
That Way More (my version of the ambitious card)

Both of these routines are interactive, in that they aren’t tricks that the audience just watches. They are involved in some level of the trick. For me, I think that it’s important when doing things that can only be seen with projection is to have an interactive component to the routine. That’s my style, not everyone is like that.

That said, I’m really liking my video set up, it’s small and easy to travel with!

PS if you want to learn more about performing for senior communities, check out my book: How To Perform For Seniors

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