Rope Thru Coat Hanger

For five or six years I’ve been working on a Silk Thru Coat Hanger routine. I’ve figured out the sequence, however one of the weak links to the routine is the reel. I like it and it allows for some very visual things to happen, however I think that sometimes the string is too easy to see.

Here’s an old video to give you a idea of some of the stuff I was doing:

The cool part of the routine was the silk going from the triangle to the hook of the coat hanger.

I put this routine on the back burner for a bit, but recently started playing with it again. I’m looking more into ring off rope techniques and found this one:

The routine above has a similar flow to what I was doing with the reel, so that makes for an easier transition to a rope and hanger routine. I did figure out a way to make the rope go from the triangle to the hook of the coat hanger using the method in the above trick.

One of the challenges is the ergonomics of holding a ring work better than an coat hanger for this routine. It could simply be a practice thing to learn to do the move on a flat surface. We’ll see…
