Psychic Medium

A couple of weeks ago I did a show at a retirement community and this post isn’t about that, it’s about the other act that the had follow me. They had a “Psychic Medium”!!!

psychic medium

Before I write anymore, I will say that I was only there for about the first 5 minutes of her presentation, so that’s all I’m basing this on.

She started he presentation by introducing herself as a psychic medium. She then defined it as “I talk to spirits and people in heaven“. Then two people immediately started heckling her, yelling out that she’s a fraud! It got pretty bad, and the activity director had to get up and tell them to be quiet and that they needed to approach this with an open mind. The psychic medium continued her presentation, and there was still some rumbles from the audience, but nothing as crazy as it was before.

Then I left, so I have no idea how the rest of it went.

One thing is that the psychic medium was a “shut eye”, which means she believes that what she’s doing is real. A better way to do it is how Sheila Lyon did it in her book on roving fortune telling. She does group palm reading and it’s fun and doesn’t have nearly as much of a reason to be heckled.

I give a lot of kudos to the Activity Director for trying something different and sticking up for the psychic medium when she got heckled.

PS if you’d like to learn more about performing for seniors check out my book; How to Perform for Seniors