Interactive New Years Trick

While I was running at the gym I had an idea for an interactive “touch the screen” style trick for this new year. It’s pretty simple, you’re going use 2025 and New Year

2 0 2 5

The audience touches any one of the numbers in 2025. They are going to jump the number they are touching. The rules are you can go left or right, from block they are on is touching to the block next to it. If they are on the 0, they don’t move.

After they finish moving, they stay on the number they ended on. You will remove the 5 as they’re not on it and it’s no longer in play. What’s left is:


They will then spell NEW jumping one space per letter, going back and forth for each letter. You now eliminate the the one of the 2’s (could be either). What’s left is:

20 or 02

They then spell YEAR jumping one space per letter like before. Now you eliminate the O and all that’s left is the 2 which they should be on.

There you go, an easy little interactive math trick!
