You Get What You Give…

Recently I was working at a fair where there were two stages next to each other. One stage was going while the other was doing its act change over. When one stage ends, it sends its audience right next door. This usually works great… What ended up happening is that one of the acts on … Continue reading “You Get What You Give…”

Recently I was working at a fair where there were two stages next to each other. One stage was going while the other was doing its act change over. When one stage ends, it sends its audience right next door.
This usually works great…

What ended up happening is that one of the acts on my stage started his act on time, but the act on the other stage was running long. A bit later in the day the act on the other stage asked us to not start until he’s done. That’s fine if he’s done in a reasonable amount of time.

Then as the week went on the act on the other stage started doing preshow bits on the mic while our stage was still active. The courtesy of us not starting until he was finished didn’t extend the other direction to him not starting while we were still going…and we were still within our scheduled times.

This easily could have turned into use blasting music into his show, both me and the other act on my stage were much louder shows. However were are also professionals and know that no one wins when two stage right next to each other try to drown the other out. Once we realized the courtesy wasn’t being given to us, we simply did our scheduled start time, and frequently stepped on the end of his show.