National Magic Day…

Today is Halloween and also National Magic Day, it’s also my least favorite day to do magic shows.   The main reason for this is costumes.  If you read my post from yesterday (click here to read it) then you know I don’t wear a “costume” upon request.  If my show worked better with me dressed … Continue reading “National Magic Day…”

Today is Halloween and also National Magic Day, it’s also my least favorite day to do magic shows.   The main reason for this is costumes.  If you read my post from yesterday (click here to read it) then you know I don’t wear a “costume” upon request.  If my show worked better with me dressed as Dracula, I’d do it year round.


However, I’m not talking about my costume, but costumes people wear.  People act strange when you put them in costumes.


First of all if you are performing for people wearing masks, it makes it very hard for them to see…or talk.  you can’t hear them laugh, they have tunnel vision and can’t hear people around them laugh. So they are in their own little world. It makes it very hard to unite the crowd if they are all in their own little world.


Next, people tend to try to act out their character.   This makes doing a show rough, because it’s hard to connect with someone pretending to be Catwoman.  That also creates a situation that’s hard for the audience to relate to.


All of that said, I have one gig today, it’s an afternoon gig.  For me this is key, kids are still in “daytime mode” and the adults shouldn’t be drunk.  This is my preferred type of show today.
