One of my current projects is working on a routine for the three ball routine. That’s a trick, where aside from the patter, there’s not a lot new you can put into to. The balls go from hand to hand, your pocket to hand and then maybe end up with the balls turning into a larger item. The less common effect within the routine would be a color change of the balls, or using it with three different colored balls.
My routine’s framework is pretty simple. The balls go hand to hand twice. They go from the pocket to the hand once. The second time they go from the pocket to the hand, there will be a surprise production. I’m thinking I might do an egg production.
There’s an coin in egg trick by Nefesch that I think is called Hatchling. It’s a signed coin in egg…where the coin is actually in the egg. It’s interesting, and I think that the production of the egg could be topped by the object in the egg. Especially if it’s unexpected, so not linear where you borrow the object, it disappears, then the reappears. Making something like a signed card reappear in the egg that was used earlier in the show.
The next step is to work out the patter, and figure out what I’m going to put into the egg…and the general logistics of how it will play out.